

Top-Notch Ice Machine Equipment in Cook County, IL

Ice Solutions 24 only provides the best ice machine equipment in Cook County, IL. Learn about the different types of machines available
Cuber Ice Machine


Manitowoc Ice is America’s best-selling ice machine brand for a reason: energy efficiency, dependability, and an unrivaled service and support network. Modular, remote air-cooled, and under-counter or water-cooled units are all available.
Flaker Ice Machine


These highly reliable flaker ice machines deliver small, hard bits of ice ideal for presentation applications in retail and other operations. We have both modular air-cooled and under-counter machines.
Nugget Ice Machine

Nugget Ice Machines

Manitowoc Ice makes chewing nugget ice simple. This brand is the most popular ice machine in America for a reason: energy efficiency, dependability, and an unrivaled service and support network. Choose from modular, remote air-cooled, and under-counter or water-cooled ice machines. 
Hotel Ice Dispensers

Ice Dispensers for Hotels

This beautifully designed hotel dispenser is made for bucket filling by guests. It features a smooth, streamlined design and a patented rocking chute dispense mechanism that reduces in-flight ice and ice spillage with quick on/off activation.
Condenser Ice Machine


Condensers allow you to move the compressor out of the customer environment, providing more reliability and a quieter and cooler environment.
Bin Style Ice Containers

Bin Storage

Choose from three styles and numerous capacities within those style ranges. B-Style is highly designed and offers the perfect fit and finish for the S-Series, while C-Style is a more traditional-styled bin. F-Style large-capacity containers feature a sliding gate for increased safety.
Manitowoc Logo

Ice Accessories

Choose from Manitowoc Ice accessories, including water filters and filtration systems, automatic cleaning systems, ice baggers, and more.

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